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Monday, December 3, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Spotlight Year Round: Allison Maxwell

I was thrilled when I was given the opportunity to chat with Allison Maxwell, a 27 year old Breast Cancer Survivor! And yes, you read correctly, a 27 year old survivor! What a warrior!

Allison and I attended Hampton University together, and we had remained facebook friends upon graduation, which is how I caught wind of her cancer diagnosis. I was shocked to say the least!

I remember having class with Allison, she had the sweetest soul and was so willingly helpful! It was so natural for her to want to help others, so when I began noticing her breast cancer survivor statuses, I initially thought perhaps she was posting on behalf of a family member. I was so taken back when I read a post along the lines of "... I am a breast cancer survivor." My initial reaction was sympathy, I wanted to find the best words of encouragement; however I then noticed how courageous and strong she was! How she wasn't posting anything of defeat, but rather of triumph- breast cancer in turn had given her such a powerful voice. I noticed fist hand how God placed such a purpose in her life to give hope to others though her strength!

Everyone is not as fortunate as Allison- to see the rainbow in their storm. She is not letting breast cancer hold her back, in fact, she is using it as her push! Just speaking with her and hearing the happiness in her words was refreshing, I felt honored!

 After reading her article in Essence magazine, I was touched further! I was honored when she agreed to let me interview her! We did two interviews, one over the internet, and one over the phone. She is a busy young woman who is on the move to share with the world about early detection!

Allison with Guiliana Rancic from E!

Here are some questions from my talk with Allison:

Q: How old were you when you were diagnosed with breast cancer?  
A: I was 26 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Q: What stage was your diagnosis?
A: I was diagnosed at Stage 1.

Q: Because of your family history of breast cancer, were you as shocked when you discovered, or were you more prepared? What was your initial reaction? 
A: Although I had two aunts pass away from this disease, I was very shocked! I never imagined a woman in her twenties being diagnosed with breast cancer. I was not prepared at all for the results, however I had made peace with the results and focused on trusting God's will no matter what the doctor told me. My intial reaction was tears and I wanted to know what to do next.

Q: I know how important support is from loved ones while going through rough times; how supportive were friends and family? Did they serve as a medicine? By this I mean, did they help to make your journey a little easier, better?  
A: My friends and family are the best!! Everyone was so supportive and encouraging when I needed them most. Since I was diagnosed and had surgery in Cinci (my family is in Charlotte, NC), my friends were so great during this difficult time! They had sleepovers at my house when I was on bedrest, brought me dinner, and hired a maid service! I was so blessed with the outpouring of love and support.

Q: Is there anything that one can do to prevent breast cancer?  
A: There is nothing one can do to prevent breast cancer, thats why early detection is so important. 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their life time and if its detected early, there is 98% 5 year survival rate. There are things one can do to lower the risk factors...i.e. eat right, maintain healthy weight, get adequate exercise, etc. but there is nothing to prevent the disease.

Q: Speaking from someone who admittedly does not conduct self exams often; how easy are self examinations? Is there a "right" or "wrong" way to self exams? Are there specific ways we should examine ourselves, is one way 'better' than the other, or is it a pretty simple process? 
A: Self exams are super easy!! Go to earlydetectionplan.org to find out more information on self exams and creating a personal early detection plan.

Q: How do you feel today? Are there still rough days, or does it get easier as they day goes by? Does the fear of cancer possibly returning worry you, or do you put that to the back and focus on the positive things?  
A: I feel great today! I have a new appreciation for life and do not sweat the little things. I still have rough days as I deal with side effects of treatment meds, changes with my body from surgery and deal with the emotional effects of a cancer diagnosis, but I focus on the posititve - the gift of life I receive each day! I sometimes have worrying thoughts, but I quickly recite encouraging words to myself and focus on reality - I have beat cancer, there is no sign of it in my body and I will do everything I can to keep it that way!

Q: You were blessed tremendously through this. As I've said to you before, your voice carries so much power now! You are a breast cancer survivor!!! At such a young age-- you have a story, you have a purpose, you have a divine plan to carry out something great while you are here! What has overcoming and conquering this taught you? This journey has taught me so much about myself, my faith, my strength and the value of life.

A: Speak your testimony! What is the number one thing that you would like us, women, to know/ be aware of?  
Q: The #1 thing I would like women to know is BE PROACTIVE! You are your own best health advocate. A doctor cannot diagnose a disease like breast cancer if you are not proactive, keeping track of changes in your body by conducting self exams and following up on checkups. Also, please educate yourself!! You cannot change or conquer something you know nothing about.

Q: I know you have been on the move! What have you been doing currently to promote awareness?
A: I was fortunate to be able to share my story as part of the GiveHope campaign promoting the importance of early detection. We had a very successful Twitter Party and interview panel on September 20th to encourage women everywhere to take action. I was featured in the October issue of Essence magazine a part of the My Black is Beautiful breast cancer awareness promo. I have shared my story through local news outlets and tell everyone I meet :)

Q: How can we help? Is there anything we can do to participate? Fundraisers, breast cancer events? Is there a website we can go to that will help us discover more?
A: There are several walks you can participate in all over the nation. The National Breast Cancer Foundation website has several helpful tools and information to get involved. www.nationalbreastcancer.org/

Allison is eager to do all she can to spread knowledge and awareness of breast cancer! She is available to answer your questions as well! If you have any questions for Allison, she can be reached by email: amaxwell320@gmail.com; on Facebook: Allison Maxwell and on Instagram: Allimax320!

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