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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Diary Entry!

I received some fantastic news on Tuesday (03/12/13). Something that made me so proud to be me, something that really made me feel like I had actually accomplished something! While it hasn't resonated with me 100% just yet, I am still so happy to know that I started and completed something that I'd never even saw in my life plan!

My book, "No Nannies Allowed: A Real Mom's Guide To Being A Real Mom" is now listed with
 Barnes and Noble!!!!!

How amazing! I'm still in awe! I don't even have much to say about it except THANK YOU to all of those who have supported me to get to this point! This was a major feat for me! It was not easy to step out of my shell, but it was SO worth it!

I'm amazed, excited and in shock of what God has done, to say the least. Feels surreal. That's the only way I can describe it! I sometimes pray and ask, "Is this really my life?" I feel so undeserving of all the blessings I take for granted! My amazing boyfriend, who gave me our greatest blessing- our son Jr! My wonderful family, the greatest friends- I have such an amazing support system that I'm just beginning to see just how important it is! I'm SO blessed to be full of love and surrounded by it!

PLEASE pick up/ order your copy of No Nannies Allowed, and PLEASE share! Tell your family, tell a friend, even a foe! Everyone that you know! My next goal is Best Seller's list now that I see it's obtainable! It means the world to me when people share how my book has helped them, so please leave your feedback on sellers sites, OR email: mommystoday@gmail.com

No Nannies Allowed: A Real Mom's Guide To Being A Real Mom available NOW!

** I also found out that it's available at local bookstores nationwide! I was floored! I didn't know that strangers would love it so much and find it so relatable! For a listing of stores near you that carry the book, please send an email.

Go. Buy. NOW!! My gratitude in advance!

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