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Friday, March 29, 2013

History of Easter Fashion

Each year for Easter Sunday, for as long as I can remember was one of my best dressed Sunday's! As a child, my mother went over the top, months prior to make sure I had each girly element of the "perfect" Easter outfit!

I typically had a white hat with some colored ribbon hanging, a floral dress, and if not floral, it was a solid color with the ribbon around my waist, adorned with some type of flower! She never neglected my lace tights, frilly socks and lace gloves! Oh! And my cross body "pocket book" that always coordinated with my patent leather shoes! I even had an Easter hair style! It was typically Shirley Temple curls, as I loveddddd that hairstyle and that was the only one I would keep up in order for it to last to the big day!

(That's me on the far right!) Easter 1995! Lace dress, I also had on lace gloves, a hat and cream shoes (not pictured lol) My God sister (middle) was upset she couldn't come hang out with me after church :-(

As I got older, I still had to get an 'Easter outfit' as my mom would remind me in February that it was "right around the corner" ... What's even crazier is that I now do the same thing for my son! I started thinking about his outfit in February- right after Valentine's day! But that's probably because I'm a holiday girl and always think of the next holiday.

Jr's 1st Easter 2012

Because this is such a big day for me and my family, I started to look at the history of Easter and why women (men too!) all over the nation deem this as the day to have a mini fashion show at their churches! While every holiday has it's own style, Easter has still remained on top as the day you 'go all out!" From hats, to accessories, so makeup; fellas in there 3 piece suits or vests and bow ties, coordinating with their colored shoes- especially down south!

"The history of the Easter ensemble derives from the philosophy of wearing one's Sunday best to the glory of God," is what an article from washingtonpost.com said, and I couldn't agree anymore! With a little mentioning that the new Spring season definitely plays a part as well! Some view Easter as the official "okay" to wear white, instead of Memorial Day (well for those who still follow this rule!). Churches these days 'allow' their congregation to come as they are, with less criticism to those who come to church in jeans, which I think gives even more excitement to the Easter holiday.

An Ode to Easter fashion:

Throwback Easter- hats were essential! In all colors, shapes and sizes! For both men and women! The more coordinated you were with your hats, the better! All purple, all green, the more color, the more your outfit was complete! A quick stroll down memory lane!

I'm not sure what time this is from, but this hat is to die!

Matchy matchy! I'm almost positive the shoes were red too! It's only right!

Yep! Fellas did it too! Even the young boys dressed like their dapper dads!
This picture is just the cutest thing to me!

Let's get a little more updated! 

Girly's in their baby doll dresses! With matching headbands! Featured is my friend Kamilah's daughter! She always dresses her so cute! The first isn't from Easter, but can definitely be an Easter dress!


Something for your baby boy!

Love this hat/ veil!

I adore Brad! And what an awesome way to wear an orange suit!

All of these look are great! While the trends have changed, the essence remains! Find your style this Easter!

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